Wednesday, July 29, 2020

No Money Required

Attention Everyone,

No money, please!

Do not send FHG any money ... you are reading a free service that posts free information on education and research in hagiography.

Membership in FHG is closed at this time.

Thank you,

Becky (FHG Owner)

Here is FHG's invitation flyer to news and information ...

What is hagiography?

·       Online Oxford Dictionary: “the writing of the lives of saints; biography that idealizes its subject”

·       Online Merrium-Webster Dictionary: “The combining form -graphy comes from Greek graphein, meaning to write.  Hagio- comes from a Greek word that means saintly or holy.  This origin is seen in Hagiographa, the Greek designation of the Ketuvim, the third division of the Hebrew Bible.”

What is hagiography in Frostburg, Maryland?

·       “… reading and studying hagiography around the world from the location of Frostburg, Maryland in the form of research and education”

An invitation from Rebecca A. DeWitt

learn more about hagiography by visiting the Frostburg Hagiography Group online

Frostburg Hagiography Group

Frostburg Hagiography Group is a private organization unaffiliated with any religious organization.

Saints, Ecclesiastical Leaders, Icons; Religious Shields & Crests, Christian Symbols & Topics, Notable Places & Events of Church History, and much more ...

FHG 2020 summer reading project:

City of God


Saint Augustine

This reading project has been extended to the end of the year (12/31/20)

Rebecca A. DeWitt - Frostburg Hagiography Group Owner and Operator (unincorporated, organized 2015); Frostburg, Maryland  21532