Friday, December 17, 2021

The Golden Legend

Hagiographic book for Christmas 

The Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine

... an excerpt from the University of Missouri's special collections and archives about this book

"One of the most popular hagiographies in the Middle Ages was the Golden Legend (Legenda aurea) written by the archbishop of Genoa, Jacobus de Voragine (1228/30-1298). Intended as a quick reference for the clergy, the Golden Legend is actually not one saint’s life but a collection of saints’ lives and liturgical and doctrinal instruction. The term “legend” here does not mean folklore or fairy tale, but instead a text that is meant to be read out loud. The connotations we have of the term legend, however, did become associated with Jacobus’s Legend after the Reformation when humanists deplored Jacobus’s work as idolatry. Prior to the Reformation, the Legend was immensely popular. Over 1,000 manuscripts of the Latin version survive today and there are another 500 extant manuscripts of translations into the European vernaculars. Jacobus broke the text down into the main divisions of the liturgical year. Chapters 1-5 cover Advent to Christmas, Chapters 6-30 cover Christmas to Septuagesima- the Sunday 70 days before Easter, Chapters 31-53 deal with the period between Septuagesima and Easter, Chapters 54-76 encompass Easter to the Pentecost, and finally Chapters 77-180 handle the Octave of Pentecost all the way back to Advent. Jacobus cited the Patristic authors in his writing, but also emphasized the miraculous and the inhuman aspects of the stories. This last point is what made the Legend so popular in the Middle Ages and also what caused its downfall after the Reformation. The Legend is a good reference for the lives of the saints, issues of importance to Jacobus and the Church in the thirteenth century, and as a handbook of doctrine, particularly on the medieval church’s understanding of salvation. ~ (Eamon Duffy, “Introduction to the 2012 Edition,” in The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints, by Jacobus de Voragine, translated by William Granger Ryan, xi-xx (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993); “Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa,” Encyclopedia Britannica, last updated December 30, 2019.)"


two volumn set of the book sold at amazon

Vol. 1

Vol 2.

more information about this book at Wikipedia

Who was Jacobus de Varagine, author of the book?

Thursday, August 5, 2021

A Very Good Question! Who are the saints of the holy bible?

Who are the biblical saints?  I found some online references listing the saints of the bible ... I haven't doubled checked all of them yet, but they look credible - they are very nice lists (they are not just Catholic saints, but rather biblical saints).

Blogger - Bible Saints

World Press - New Song

Bible Saints - Catholic Biblical Association of America

Monday, April 12, 2021

An encyclical during the pandemic - Fratelli Tutti

Encyclical from Pope Francis during the pandemic ...

contains hagiographic related information

special encyclical pack from twenty-third publications